Wednesday, November 19, 2008

College Lit

Right now in College Lit we are reading a book called Metamorphosis. After reading a few chapters in this book, and thinking back to all the readings we've read so far; I finally realize what this class is about. It's about close reading, and finding the hidden messages in the stories. Messages you wouldn't normally think of about the characters, plot, or even the setting.

In the beginning of Metamorphosis, there is a young man who turns into a bug one morning and doesn't know why. When I first read this I was thinking to myself, "why would anyone write about this?" But after thinking about what College Lit is about I realized its something deeper than just turning into a bug. It's all about the way that you interpret it.

With most of the stories we've read in College Lit so far, there is no right or wrong answer. All you have to do is read closely to the text and try to think of what the author is trying to say. After you figure out that part of the story, it's a little bit easier to read it and enjoy it.


Morgan said...

Wow I love your blog! I am so glad you are starting to understand college lit. since you were gone for a while, but don't worry you weren't the only one because I didn't really get it at first either.

Cody Dederich said...

At first I thought this class was just going to be reading books that are at college level. I was pleasantly surprised when we started reading into deepers things rather than reading assigned chapters and being tested on them.

Katie B. said...

yea I like how you put it. I sort of thought the same thing as the rest of you, but I like that we are reading things that allow for more discussion rather than stories that just tell us everything that's going on. those tend to lose my interest pretty quickly.